This series is inspired of Pierre Louis Maupertuis's (1698 – 1759) principle of least action. Fannily that name reminds me of Jackson Pollocks Action painting. The principle of least action is a theory of physics where you don't need the concepts of dark matter or dark energy. Here's a link to a radio programme I first heard about it. Sorry, it's in finnish! It's crazy but inspiring! Detail from oilpainting 25 X 25 cm, 2023
Photoshop mockup from details of oilpaintings, 2023
Detail from oilpainting 25 X 25 cm, 2023
Composition of 9 paintings, 75 X 75 cm, 2023
Detail from oilpainting 25 X 25 cm, 2023
Composition of 9 paintings, 75 X 75 cm, 2023
Detail from oilpainting 25 X 25 cm, 2023


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