GLOBAL DADA (on - going project) from 2010 to eternity!?
I have painted these letter - works now for almost 10 years! As a six-year old my sons big-sister was learning to write and she organised random letters to papers which were then attached to the fridge - door. I got the idea from there, and it has kept me busy since! Thank You M! And thank You to all the Dada pioneers too!
JAZZ BEAT FOLK, Oil / Canvas / mdf, 75 X 100 cm, 2018
This work happened while I was reading Jack Kerouack and Harry Smith.
WHO BAT DDT, Oil / Canvas / mdf, 75 X 75 cm, 2010
( Actually I don't know where this painting is right now? I sold it to 'someone'- to a friend I guess?) I was thinking about the World Health Organisation, Best Available Techniques and DDT - jazz band (among other things!) while doing this many many years ago.
BIL LEV ANS, Oil / Canvas / mdf, 75 X 75 cm, 2019 I became aware of 'Kind Of Blue' sometime during 2000 and 2001 - I guess? There was this super good BBC program 'The History Of Jazz' coming from YLE Teema back then. I still listen to him every month.
JOY ILO ELO, Oil / Canvas / mdf, 75 X 75 cm, 2015 -2019 This painting I first did maybe year 2015. Two years after We broke up with my sons mom I was still recovering from that and my fathers death in 2014. I needed and was yearning for joy (and all other positive things!) then (badly), and I still am of course! I also thought about International Labor Organisation and Electric Light Orchestra back then. I needed to paint it again two times because I'm not very good in storing paintings in bubble wrap, I feel that the paintings can't breath there - so I don't use it if not necessary.
HUL LUU SSS, Oil / Canvas / mdf, 75 X 75 cm 2015 - 2019. I painted this also again because it had some damage. HULLUUS means CRAZINESS in finnish - and You sure need to be a little bit crazy to do this painterly thing!
BEE DIE OFF, Oil / Canvas / mdf, 75 X 75 cm 2015 - 2019. Repainted. I red 'Ecology, Community & Lifestyle by Arne Naess 10 years ago, and I still think its one of 50 most important books ever written.
FRE ETI BET, Oil / Canvas / mdf, 75 X 75 cm 2015 - 2019. I am a fan of Dalai Lama. I make political art. Somebody's gotta do.
TFC, EMF, KLF, Oil / Canvas / mdf, 75 X 75 cm 2019. Teenage Fanclub is one of my favourite bands ever. With a little luck they could have been the new Beatles. EMF fits well here, 'they were 'Unbelievable'! KLF burned a million pounds, that was great too! I'm still working with this one! You can maybe see that first I had painted IMF, International Monetary Fund there, but then I changed My Mind. Sometimes it's good to try to do that, - don't You think!?
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